Consortium for European Research with Election Studies (CERES)


(Interim web page)

Objectives of the Association (from the statutes)


a. The goal of CERES is to further the aims of research into democratic governance in Europe by conducting studies of elections, referenda and other pertinent forms of political behaviour held in European national and trans-national settings.

b. The CERES Association provides technical and methodological support for research on electoral democracy and a platform for collaboration of national election studies with each other and with the European Election Studies (EES).

Not stated in the statutes is the hope that the activities of this consortium can further the aim of eventually founding a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that would assure funding of election and other studies of the functioning of electoral democracy in Europe at the national and European levels (SEE FIRST LINK, BELOW).

Links to CERES matters


At the special meeting mentioned below, a new organization was founded:

Monitoring Electoral Democracy (MEDem) which essentially inherited the functions and, implicitly, the membership of CERES

CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING to be held at the University of Vienna, Austria, on April 8th 2017 to discuss moves to place on the ESFRI
               Roadmap a proposed infrastructure for the study of electoral democracy in Europe.

Statutes (These are titled 'draft' statutes. However, they were not changed when adopted at the formative
              meeting at Reykjavic so they are also the actual statutes)

Founding members (Those who attended the formative meeting and voted to adopt the statutes)


Founding board (Elected at the formative meeting held at Reykjavik in 2011)

Elections for board members whose term ended in 2013 (elected at Bordeaux meeting)

Elections for board members whose term ended in 2015 (elected at Montreal meeting)

Voting procedures at General Meetings

Talking about research infrastructures – a guide to vocabulary

What a Research Infrastructure can do

Response to ESFRI call for proposals
for integrating and opening existing national research infrastructures

Workshop held at NIAS
, February 28th to March 1st 2013

Conference on European Democracy at a Critical Juncture held at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, December 2013

     Recommendation for a two-question battery

Other links                              

Report from the Chair, 2013

Report from the Chair, 2015

Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union (PIREDEU)

    PIREDEU website
    Final Report on Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union

    Ten page summary of the Final Report (brochure)

    PIREDEU eBook of papers presented at the closing confertence, October 2010

European Election Studies (EES) and the EES Association
    EES website

    EES Association Formative Meeting Draft Minutes

European Social Survey (ESS) European Research Infrastructure Consortium (a model for what an EES ERIC might look like)

    Statutes of the ESS ERIC